It gets discouraging. The harder I pursue the vortex, the heavier my heart feels when I am not present within it. I don't want to be sad, but somedays, I just can't shake it.
For healing I turned to a couple of articles this week. Very interesting reads. Feel free to comment what you think!
- "Phenylethylamine triggers a degree of excitement, quickens the heart rate, and arouses feelings similar to those of being in love." -Tanita de Ruijit, author of Tonic. This chocolate potion features phenylethylamine, otherwise known as our body's natural 'love drug'. Made with cayenne pepper and cinnamon, this spicy hot chocolate recipe helps boost the healing/"happiness properties" of the cacao while balancing blood sugar levels. Click here to learn how to make this magical cup of Aphrodisiac Vegan Hot Chocolate.
- If you haven't picked up your copy of Gala Darling's almanac for 2018, you need to asap! I have found nothing more relatable, helpful, creative, inspirational and just downright magical since I've followed along with her book. Every page is empowering, and one topic that I just can't get over is her idea of Sacred Mornings. The theory here is that every morning should begin purposefully. When you finish the day, you fall asleep- where your energy kinda dwells into a neutral state. It's important to charge your batteries first thing in the mornings, and to set your intentions for the day. I've just kinda fallen in love with this whole idea of turning your bed into your temple. It sounds way more complicated then it is. I just wanna wake up and feel good- then, and the rest of the day. SO, here's a couple ideas I've really taken to:
- Guided Meditations on Spotify. I personally follow the Abraham Hicks + Esther Hicks + Fearless Soul -Law of Attraction playlist by Fearless Soul. My favorite one right now is Releasing Resistance (Law of Attraction telling a new Story) by Jess Shepherd. Look it up, you will not regret it.
- I like to wake up, roll over, flip open my Mac, and read my daily horoscope from I'm not sure why, but for some reason this act opens my mind and kinda prepares for me what to expect that day.
- Bed Yoga with Tara Stiles is a great way to wake up and stretch your muscles!
- Oddly enough, I prefer journaling before I go to bed, but adding to your diary in the morning is another great way to practice gratitude and begin your day with a happy heart. Click Here for tips on keeping a journal according to
- When I feel like life is just kicking my butt, I just read this article on starting my own revolution. No matter how little. My favorite excerpt from this is when it says, "It's no one else's fault that you feel like shit." Yes, it's very aggressive, but wow. Very true. It's important to be authentic about how you feel, or what you want. That is where the revolution begins. Read the full article: When it feels overwhelming to revolutionize your life, where and how do you begin?
I wish you all another blissful and awe-inspired week.
Thinking of bagels, beads, and bumblebees.